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About PronounDB

API v1 Documentation

API v1 is deprecated. Please migrate to the newer API v2, and please do not use API v1 for writing any new code interacting with PronounDB.

While API v1 will contiue to operate, newer features of PronounDB are not available. New platforms cannot be queried on API v1, and some new sets might not be available on API v1 which will result in people using these having their sets fallback to other.

See the API v2 compatibility section of this doc for more details about the compatibility of newer features, and how they are handled by API v1.

API v1 will permanently cease its operations June 1st, 2024.

API endpoints

Lookup an account

GET /api/v1/lookup?platform=[platform]&id=[id]

Query parameters

Response: A JSON object with a pronouns property.

Lookup accounts in bulk

GET /api/v1/lookup-bulk?platform=[platform]&ids=[ids...]

Query parameters

Response: A map of IDs with their corresponding set of pronouns.

API v2 compatibility

No feature from API v2 other than pronouns is available on API v1. Only platforms supported at the time of API v1 deprecation are supported; see the Data Types section for the final list of platforms API v1 will answer queries for.

Pronouns are converted from the API v2 format to the APIv1 identifiers according to the following algorithm:

Note: only English sets are considered; if the user only has sets for other languages, it will show up as unspecified in the responses.

Data types

